Since the rise of TV, we've been fed the idea that self-care is papering ourselves at the nail saloon, putting a face mask on once the kids have gone to bed or Netflix bingeing your favourite series on a Sunday to relax.
We've also gotten into the habit of pouring a glass of wine, or two, once we're home from work and a tub of ice cream after a really stressful day.
Neither of these activities are wrong, however, more often than not they are band aid activities, something I call Self-Soothing Activities. There are things we do to feel good NOW because we didn't listen to our body's signals earlier.
Self-Care is so much more than that.
Real, lasting and powerful Self-Care practices work to amplify your life satisfaction by helping you be more present in your body and care for yourself before self-soothing activities are needed.
With proper, mindful actions taken to incorporate Self-Care into your life, you take your day from scattered and chaotic to intentional and fulfilling.
This eBook provide you with 44 Simple Self-Care Practices you can try and implement into your day to make a huge difference.
And I'm giving it away for free!
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